Art. 1 Incorporation and head office
Art. 2 Aims
In keeping with this, the aims pursued by the Society include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Fostering research into ancient Greek and Roman music and its cultural heritage, especially of an interdisciplinary kind, by coordinating both national and international groups and research projects;
- Promoting ethnomusicological studies that aim at documenting the significance and presence of performance practices that are akin to ancient ones in living folk musical traditions;
- Contributing to the cataloguing and the study of musical assets (archaeological, bibliographical and archival assets, musical instruments, audio recordings, iconographical material, theatre material and so forth) related to the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations and their cultural heritage, preserved in public institutions and/or in private foundations and collections;
- Organising an international conference, normally once a year, in collaboration with Universities, Academies and other Institutions, to discuss the results of current research;
- Organising seminars, conferences and meetings and other initiatives (prizes, competitions etc.) to foster awareness of the various aspects of Greek and Roman music, and its reception in later ages, in partnership with affiliated societies and through formal collaborations with private as well as public institutions, such as Associations, Foundations, Academies, Museums, Universities, Conservatoria, Schools of every type and level;
- Contributing to the developing debate about classical education, in partnership with relevant institutions, and promoting the dissemination of research results among school teachers at all levels;
- Promoting publications such as monographs, book series and journals, in relevant research fields.
Art. 3 Financial means and assets
- membership fees;
- movable and immovable property;
- financial contributions from public or private institutes;
- legacies and donations;
- compensations;
- side activities with a commercial purpose;
- income arising from any activities carried out by the Society.
The funds belonging to the Society shall be deposited on an Italian bank account to be managed by the President and the Treasurer, each with independent signing authority.
Art. 4 Membership
- Ordinary Members: individuals or entities who are in good standing, i.e. have paid the annual fees established by the Executive Committee;
- Supporting Members: individuals or entities who, in addition to the annual fees, freely decide to support the activities and aims of the Society by offering additional financial assistance;
- Honorary Members: individuals, entities or institutions who have offered key contributions to the Society’s activities through their research activities as well as their moral and/or financial support. Honorary members are not subject to annual fees, but are free to make voluntary donations to the Society (Art. 11).
Members must pay their annual membership fees by the due date; after this date, the Treasurer may solicit payment from defaulting members.
Members in good standing will also benefit from specific advantages, according to the details provided in Article 16, such as discounted registration rates for the Moisa Meetings and reduced subscription rates for the Society’s Journal.
Art. 5 Governing bodies
- General Assembly;
- Founding President;
- Presidents;
- Executive Committee;
- Treasurer.
Art. 6 General assembly
Members who cannot partake in the Assembly may be represented by a proxy provided that they express their wish in a written mandate, whereby they declare that they will accept the proxy’s choices, including in matters of voting. The President must receive these written mandates before the start of the proceedings. No individual Member can hold more than three proxies in addition to his/her own vote.
- It elects the President, the incoming President, and the other members of the Executive Committee;
- On the basis of a simple majority vote of the members in attendance, the Assembly establishes the total number of the members of the Executive Committee; it approves the yearly report offered by the President; it sets the Annual Fees according to the proposals made by the Executive Committee; it approves the yearly budget and financial report, as well as the topic and location of the Annual Meetings; and any other item on the agenda;
- On the basis of a qualified majority of two thirds of the members eligible to vote, the Assembly approves nominations for honorary memberships, and establishes internal rules and regulations according to Art. 16, as well as any amendments to the present Code of Bylaws, and any early dissolutions, extensions or renewals of the Society in its present form.
- It offers advice and guidance about the management of the Society.
Art. 7 Founding President
In recognition of his extraordinary academic achievements, as well as his key contributions to the establishment of an international network of scholars working on Greek and Roman Music and to the foundation of Moisa, Andrew D. Barker is nominated Founding President of the Society for life. He shall also be an unelected permanent member of the Executive Committee. He is therefore eligible to vote both as a Member of the Executive Committee and as a Member of the General Assembly.
Art. 8 Presidents
The Society shall have three Presidents per mandate, elected by the Assembly, who shall be ex officio members of the Executive Committee:
- a Current President;
- an Incoming President;
- an Emeritus President;
The current President is the legal representative of the Society and signs all the administrative acts officially approved and undertaken by the Society. The current President is elected by the General Assembly with a simple majority of the members in attendance and his/her mandate lasts three years. Any member in good standing may be elected President; expressions of interest in standing for election must be expressed in writing, and must reach the Executive Committee at least a month before the relevant General Assembly.
The current President calls and chairs meetings of the General Assembly as well as the Executive Committee; s/he can entrust specific tasks to individual members, after receiving the approval of the Executive Committee; s/he receives applications from prospective members and passes them on to the Executive Committee; prepares a yearly overview of the activities undertaken by the Society, which is to be read and approved by the Assembly. The current President shall be one the holders of the Society’s bank account, jointly with the Treasurer; each of them shall have independent signing authority (art. 3).
In case of the current President’s absence or incapacitation, the powers managed by the current President are transferred temporarily to the Vice President or, in his/her absence, to the Emeritus President, the Incoming President or the Treasurer.
In case of termination or resignation from the office of President, for any reasons, all his/her responsibilities are undertaken by the Vice President until the following General Assembly, which will elect a new President.
The Incoming President is elected by the Assembly following the same procedures as those established for the election of the current President; s/he is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee, works closely with the current President and takes up the role and the title of current President upon the end of the previous President’s mandate.
At the end of his/her mandate, the current President takes up the title of Emeritus President and continues to be an ex officio, active member of the Executive Committee for the duration of the new President’s mandate.
Art. 9 The Executive Commitee
The Executive Committee is the executive managing body of the Society. It shall have powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration, and shall employ these powers in order to pursue the aims detailed in Art. 2.
The Executive Committee shall include an odd number of members, up to seven in total, including ex officio members (Founding President and Presidents elected by the Assembly). The number of members serving in the Executive Committee in a given mandate is established by the Assembly, following a proposal outlined by the outgoing Executive Committee.
Elections are made on the basis of nominations made by members at the Assembly or sent to the President in advance.
Elected Members of the Executive Committee will serve for three years; for the sake of continuity in the management of the Society, they can be elected for two further consecutive mandates, up to a maximum of nine years. Members who have served on the Executive Committee for three consecutive mandates will be eligible to be elected again once three years have elapsed since the end of their last mandate.
On its first meeting, the Executive Committee shall elect the Vice President and the Secretary from among its members, and will nominate the Treasurer (see further Art. 10 below) preferably from among those members of the Society who are resident in Italy. The Executive Committee may at any time revoke the Treasurer’s nomination, and will explain to all members the reason for the revocation. In such a case the Executive Committee will proceed immediately to the nomination of a new Treasurer.
The Executive Committee may at its own discretion hold a meeting and conduct business by means of electronic mail, video-conferencing, or a telephone conference call. It shall meet at least twice a year. The current President must send by email and with adequate notice any announcements of upcoming meetings of the Executive Committee to the members of the Committee.
Meetings of the Executive Committee must be also convened if two Executive Committee members, or at least 30% of the Society’s membership in good standing, make a formal request for one, providing evidence for the need to hold such a meeting. Requests must be sent by email to the President and all the other members of the Executive Committee.
As a governing body, the Executive Committee shall:
- approve membership applications for ordinary and supporting members;
- advance nominations for honorary memberships to the General Assembly;
- outline the agenda for meetings of the General Assembly, as well as reports or any other statements to be examined by the Assembly;
develop proposals for the management of the Society; - draw up internal rules and regulations, as detailed in Art. 16 below;
- make decisions on the academic programmes, cultural events and editorial projects undertaken by the Society;
- appoint technical committees or working groups as needed;
- sign agreements or contracts with other Institutions or Agencies;
- set the amount of the Annual Membership Fees, to be ratified by the Assembly;
- approve prospective budgets and end-of-the-year financial statements, drafted by the Treasurer; the content of both documents shall be presented to the General Assembly;
- take action (including disciplinary warnings and expulsion) against members whose conduct damages or otherwise interferes with the Society’s activities and reputation (see Art. 4);
- present a proposal concerning the number of the Members serving in the Executive Committee, to be ratified by the Assembly;
manage relationships with publishing houses, in case of publications produced under the auspices of the Society; - promote and undertake any action deemed necessary for the upkeeping and ordinary business of the Society, managing any related and necessary tasks.
In the event that an official Journal of the Society is published by an Academic press under the aegis of the Society, the Executive Committee appoints one of the Society’s members as its Editor in Chief. The Editor in Chief becomes an ex officio supernumerary member of the Executive Committee, and may vote only on matters that concern the Journal. Furthermore, the Executive Committee selects the members of the Editorial Board, and any other collaborators, and recommends them to the Publisher (Art. 15).
Meetings of the Executive Committee are deemed legitimate if at least half of its members are in attendance, and may take decisions by a simple majority vote of the members present at the meeting. In case of a tie, the current President has the casting vote. In case of absence or impediment, the President’s functions and powers are temporarily transferred to the Vice President or the most senior member of the Committee.
The minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee shall be written in Italian and English, signed by the current President and the Treasurer, and uploaded on the Society’s website. A copy will also be deposited in the Society’s archive and circulated to the members via email.
If one or more members of the Executive Committee resigns from their office for any reason, and if the majority of the members are still in office, the current President shall discuss the issue with the remaining members of the Committee and shall appoint directly new members to fill the vacancies, choosing them from among the Society’s members in good standing. These members of the Executive Committee shall remain in office until the following meeting of the General Assembly, which shall elect their successors. These successors shall remain in office until the end of the three-year mandate of the Executive Committee. If the majority of the members of the Executive Committee resign from their office, the current President shall call a meeting of the General Assembly in order to elect a new group of members for the Executive Committee.
Art. 10 Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be appointed by the members of the Executive Committee from among the Members of the Society in accordance with the rules set out in Art. 9. The Treasurer’s appointment may be renewed by the Executive Committee up to a maximum of five consecutive mandates of three years.
The Treasurer shall oversee the management of the Society’s financial assets, and shall compile an annual report detailing the Society’s financial activities, to be discussed and approved by the General Assembly.
The Treasurer shall also compile an end-of-year report (including a detailed breakdown of individual expenditures and sources of income) and a prospective budget (including a detailed overview of all projected expenditures, and sources of income for the upcoming financial year). If necessary, the Treasurer shall solicit defaulting members to pay overdue membership fees; s/he shall also keep a record of all statements and documents relevant to the Society’s finances.
Art. 11 Annual Membership Fees
The amount of the annual membership fee is set by the Executive Committee and ratified by the General Assembly by a simple majority vote of the members in attendance. Reduced membership rates will be offered to students and retired members. Honorary members are not subject to payment of membership fees.
Art. 12 Unremunerated nature of offices
All elected members of the Executive Committee and related offices undertake these roles on a voluntary basis, and shall not be financially compensated for their services.
The Executive Committee may refund reasonable expenses incurred by its members in connection with their duties, upon provision of receipts.
Art. 13 Financial year, deadlines and reports
The Society’s financial year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of any given year. Each year, the Executive Committee presents the yearly financial statement and prospective budget for the approval of the General Assembly; these documents must be published on the Society’s website at least two weeks before the Annual Meetings of the Assembly, so that all members may examine them in advance of the Meeting.
Art. 14 Official languages
The Society’s official languages are English, French, German, Italian and Spanish (listed in alphabetical order).
Minutes of all official meetings and other official documents issued by the Society shall be written in Italian and English.
Art. 15 Journal
An academic Journal may be established on behalf of the Society in order to disseminate the results of research on Greek and Roman music and its cultural heritage, provided that all publication and distributions costs be undertaken by a leading academic publishing house characterised by a distinguished international standing.
Relationships between the Society and the Publisher shall be regulated by a detailed contract. In order to protect the Society’s interests, the contract shall include the following points:
The Society shall be responsible for the academic and editorial contents of the Journal, and shall establish its name and shall retain exclusive property rights over it;
- The Executive Committee shall be responsible for all negotiations, decisions and agreements concerning the relationships between the Society and the Publisher; any contracts with the Publisher shall be signed by the President of the Society;
- Any radical amendments to extant agreements with publishing houses that may be proposed by the Society’s Executive Committee (including any proposals to rescind existing agreements) must be examined and ratified by the General Assembly, by a simple majority vote of the members eligible to vote; if necessary, votes on these matters may take place electronically;
- The members of the Editorial Board of the Journal, and any other collaborators (such as Review Editors or Associate Editors) shall be appointed by the Publisher on the basis of nominations made by the Society’s Executive Committee;
- The Editor in Chief shall be responsible – jointly with the Editorial Board – for all academic issues arising from the realisation of the Journal, for the acceptance of articles for publication, for all decisions concerning the contents of each individual issue, for any changes to the schedule for publication, and for the timely delivery of the editorial and academic products. The Editor in Chief shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, and shall be selected from among members in good standing;
- Members of the Society shall be eligible for a reduced subscription rate for the Journal.
Art. 16 Rules, Regulations and codes of conduct
If necessary, the Society shall regulate its activities on the basis of internal rules, regulations and codes of conduct, which shall be compiled by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Assembly with a qualified majority of two thirds of the members eligible to vote. After approval, these rules and regulations shall become an integral part of the present code of Bylaws.
Art. 17 Duration
The Society shall expire in fifty years (50) starting from the present date. Dissolution before this date, or any extensions, must be authorised by the General Assembly by a simple majority vote of the members in attendance.
Any remaining financial assets shall be devolved to other Societies with similar aims or working for the public benefit, in consultation with the relevant overseeing authorities (see art.13 of the Italian Civil Code).
Art. 18 Reference to the Italian Civil Law Code
Any other matter or issue not explicitly mentioned and regulated in this Code of Bylaws will be settled on the basis of the relevant sections of the Italian Civil Law Codes.
Approved in Reading UK, 21st of July 2018, during the 11th Annual Meeting of the Society